Mindfulness-based Feminist Psychotherapy is designed to dismantle damaging thought patterns and behaviors acquired from living in a sexist and misogynistic culture. Rather than viewing mental health issues as pathological, this integrative approach brings the principles and skills of mindfulness to free us from those disempowering habits of conditioning. We look at the context of how conditioning distorts our relationship with our self and others, and keeps us caught in patterns of anxiety, depression, self-negation, stress, disconnection, and addictions of all kinds.
The relationship we forge in working together is egalitarian and authentic. My basic job is to help you understand and spot these limiting patterns, realize they’re not who you truly are, and learn to relate to your experience mindfully, with curiosity, acceptance, and kindness. This allows access to your own truth, wisdom, and loving nature, and reconnects you with your own agency. Through practice you learn to pop out of the old reactions that create misery, choose a wiser and kinder response, and come to trust your authentic self.
Beyond traditional talk therapy, this approach will help you:
If my approach resonates with you, let’s chat!
I offer in-person or secure online therapy services. Sessions are 60 minutes.
If we meet in person, my office is located at: 2002 Atwood Ave. Room #214 Madison, WI
Appointments may be arranged here.
Telephone: 608.338.8239